Friday, July 12, 2013

Part 6: There Are No Accidents: You Are Here for a Reason

Part 6: There Are No Accidents: You Are Here for a Reason

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.

Somewhere, over the rainbow, in the land of our ancestors, there was a time when the female energy was strong and powerful and survival was not of the fittest, but of the many. Everyone was nurtured, for the fruit of our womb bound us together in a neverending cycle of life. As women who gave birth, we had a different way of knowing, of being, of understanding. As women who gave birth, we felt a connection to all women on earth, we felt a connection to all of our comadres y madrinas, and it defied all artificial boundaries. Just see what happens when a group of women who just met start sharing their birth stories, just feel the tears when we start talking about our mothers, just experience the joy when we are not silenced and our emotions are allowed to flow. I have said it before and it bears repeating, THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS!!! Everything happens for a reason, YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON.

And, you are reading this for a reason. This message will not resonate with all. Some will dismiss it psychological mumbo/jumbo, some will think of it as anti-organized religion, some will say, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, our ancestors mean nothing in the modern order. And, some will say, “This makes sense to me. I do feel a tug, I do feel a dissatisfaction that is hard to explain, I am drawn to starting my own business, I am not happy being a part of corporate America, I know there is something greater inside of me, I know that I was put here for a reason. And others will say, I am one with my ancestors, I know my role in the new world order, I am here to reclaim my divinity and to make it happen. Yes, there are no accidents and you are here for a reason.

And, it is up to you to discover that reason and to decide what is the mantle that you will take up, what is the cause that is burning in your belly, what is your essential message to the world and how are you going to give it voice? How are you going to ensure that you are silenced no more? Where do you feel your calling and with whom? What activities resonate with you and allow your heart to sing in joyful harmony?

·         Are you being called upon to start a business?

·         Spread joy and happiness?

·         Support the arts?

·         Build a community center?

·         Create a space for others to thrive?

·         Educate others

We all have a calling, we are all purpose driven, and we are all given a message that only we can carry into the world. What is your message? What is it that you are carrying into the world? How are you helping to bring about the balance of the male and female energies? What are you being called upon to do? For those who listen to divine intuition will find their purpose and live in joy and harmony, embracing life, and giving thanks for the abundance that surrounds them. Those who reclaim their divinity will surely be the ones who lead the call to action and begin the tectonic shift that has already begun.

See you on the other side of the rainbow!!!

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Divinity Chant

·         I am reclaiming my divinity

·         I honor my ancestors

·         I am the change the world needs to see

·         I celebrate my life

·         I believe in the magic

·         I am guided by positive energy

·         I am vibrating inner peace

·         I claim my place at the center of the universe

·         I am DIVINE!!!

Join me on August 24, 2013 to RECLAIM Your DIVINITY!!!

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