Monday, July 29, 2013

M&M's Divinity Pills

M&M's Divinity Pills
I saw M&M Pills for another activity and knew I had to adapt them to Reclaiming Your Divinity. These are the perfect indulgence to help you shake a mood, get inspired, or change a limiting belief. The pills can really help in releasing your passions and bringing abundance and harmony into your life.

Is it really this simple? Yes, because thoughts become things, and when you find your thoughts spinning out of control, take out your divinity pills, focus on one color or all the colors, and notice how quickly your mood, your thoughts, your ideas can change.


Brown M&M divinely calm your carving for chocolate

Red M&M release your divine passion

Orange M&M illuminate the divine fire burning within

Green M&M call divine abundance to your divine self

Yellow M&M unleash your divine shining light

Blue M&Ms bring divine harmony into your life


Directions: Take as needed. If all symptoms occur at the same time eat the whole bag. Warning: May cause weight gain.

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,

Zulmara Maria

Divinity Chant

  • I am reclaiming my divinity
  • I honor my ancestors
  • I am the change the world needs to see
  • I celebrate my life
  • I believe in the magic
  • I am guided by positive energy
  • I am vibrating inner peace
  • I claim my place at the center of the universe
  • I am DIVINE!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Recipe for a Divine Life

Recipe for a Divine Life

We will all have our own take on a recipe for a divine life. I am sharing mine below, please feel free to share yours as well. What is it that makes you tick? What allows you to flourish? What helps you to become the person you were meant to be? It is all a matter of pulling in the ingredients and enjoying your life, and knowing that all is as it is meant to be.
Recipe for a Divine Life


  • A Pinch of divine thoughts
  • A Dash of divine abundance
  • Cup of divine action

Meditate for 3 minutes


  • Faith

  • Gratitude

  • Love

Mix it all together

Couple with...

  • Glass of fine wine

  • A piece of divinity chocolate

  • A tasty cheese


Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,

Zulmara Maria
Divinity Chant

  • I am reclaiming my divinity
  • I honor my ancestors
  • I am the change the world needs to see
  • I celebrate my life
  • I believe in the magic
  • I am guided by positive energy
  • I am vibrating inner peace
  • I claim my place at the center of the universe
  • I am DIVINE!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Divinity Reclamation Kit

Divinity Reclamation Kit

As an educator I have been given many “survival” kits. They are fun ways to survive a day as a teacher, be it in preschool or elementary school or high school. They are baggies filled with inspirational items that remind you why you do what you do. As I started planning how to help other reclaim their divinity, I started looking a these kits and decided to put together my own Divinity Reclamation Kit…to remind me that I do make my own reality and that I control my future. Here is my Divinity Reclamation Kit…start yours today and get inspired!!!
Divinity Reclamation Kit—your divinity reclamation kit is filled with nine symbolically divine items to help you reclaim your divinity. These items will serve as a constant reminder that you are a divine being who can manifest the life that you want to live. That you are meant to live in abundance, and that you are the embodiment of source energy. The energy that helps propel you into greatness and sends you the signal and message that there is more to do and you are here for a reason.

  1. Candle--to represent your inner divine light

  1. Pennies--for your thoughts...which you have or will manifest into things...

  1. Tissues--for tears to show that you are real and authenticand trees...

  1. Notebook for affirmations and gratitudes

  1. Boomerang for sending out good karma...what goes around comes around

  1. Crayons for the playful child inside wanting to come out to play

  1. Gold coin for the riches that are yours for the asking, for the abundance that is your birthright

  1. Play dough to remind you that you are the master creator of your life and you mold yourself as you wish

  1. A present to remind you to live in the present and to celebrate your successes

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Divinity Chant

  • I am reclaiming my divinity
  • I honor my ancestors
  • I am the change the world needs to see
  • I celebrate my life
  • I believe in the magic
  • I am guided by positive energy
  • I am vibrating inner peace
  • I claim my place at the center of the universe
  • I am DIVINE!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Divinity Garden

Divinity Garden

Julia Cameron writes that we need to surround ourselves with the items and the things that make for a beautiful life, that inspire our creativity, and connect with our soul. As you are Reclaiming Your Divinity, a Divinity Garden, to remind of who you are, where you come from and where you are going is a nice visual to help you stay connected and stay the course.

Divinity Garden--your divinity garden is filled with nine symbolically divine items to remind you that you are a DIVINE being, de esa tierra, reclaiming your divine place in this time in history. Your DIVINE reminders:

  1. Tea--take time to relax and go over blessings everyday
  2. Flower Seeds--every day you are nurturing your divine dreams
  3. Bath salts--to take you away to divine places
  4. Sand--to remind you of your ancestors who have paved the way
  5. Shells—from the ocean to remind you how divinely resilient you are
  6. Rocks--a symbol of your enduring divine strength
  7. Crystals--for their healing and magical powers
  8. Jewels---to remind you of your true majesty
  9. Dirt, you are from the earth and to the earth you will return

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Divinity Chant
  • I am reclaiming my divinity
  • I honor my ancestors
  • I am the change the world needs to see
  • I celebrate my life
  • I believe in the magic
  • I am guided by positive energy
  • I am vibrating inner peace
  • I claim my place at the center of the universe
  • I am DIVINE!!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Part 6: There Are No Accidents: You Are Here for a Reason

Part 6: There Are No Accidents: You Are Here for a Reason

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.

Somewhere, over the rainbow, in the land of our ancestors, there was a time when the female energy was strong and powerful and survival was not of the fittest, but of the many. Everyone was nurtured, for the fruit of our womb bound us together in a neverending cycle of life. As women who gave birth, we had a different way of knowing, of being, of understanding. As women who gave birth, we felt a connection to all women on earth, we felt a connection to all of our comadres y madrinas, and it defied all artificial boundaries. Just see what happens when a group of women who just met start sharing their birth stories, just feel the tears when we start talking about our mothers, just experience the joy when we are not silenced and our emotions are allowed to flow. I have said it before and it bears repeating, THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS!!! Everything happens for a reason, YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON.

And, you are reading this for a reason. This message will not resonate with all. Some will dismiss it psychological mumbo/jumbo, some will think of it as anti-organized religion, some will say, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, our ancestors mean nothing in the modern order. And, some will say, “This makes sense to me. I do feel a tug, I do feel a dissatisfaction that is hard to explain, I am drawn to starting my own business, I am not happy being a part of corporate America, I know there is something greater inside of me, I know that I was put here for a reason. And others will say, I am one with my ancestors, I know my role in the new world order, I am here to reclaim my divinity and to make it happen. Yes, there are no accidents and you are here for a reason.

And, it is up to you to discover that reason and to decide what is the mantle that you will take up, what is the cause that is burning in your belly, what is your essential message to the world and how are you going to give it voice? How are you going to ensure that you are silenced no more? Where do you feel your calling and with whom? What activities resonate with you and allow your heart to sing in joyful harmony?

·         Are you being called upon to start a business?

·         Spread joy and happiness?

·         Support the arts?

·         Build a community center?

·         Create a space for others to thrive?

·         Educate others

We all have a calling, we are all purpose driven, and we are all given a message that only we can carry into the world. What is your message? What is it that you are carrying into the world? How are you helping to bring about the balance of the male and female energies? What are you being called upon to do? For those who listen to divine intuition will find their purpose and live in joy and harmony, embracing life, and giving thanks for the abundance that surrounds them. Those who reclaim their divinity will surely be the ones who lead the call to action and begin the tectonic shift that has already begun.

See you on the other side of the rainbow!!!

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Divinity Chant

·         I am reclaiming my divinity

·         I honor my ancestors

·         I am the change the world needs to see

·         I celebrate my life

·         I believe in the magic

·         I am guided by positive energy

·         I am vibrating inner peace

·         I claim my place at the center of the universe

·         I am DIVINE!!!

Join me on August 24, 2013 to RECLAIM Your DIVINITY!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Part 5: Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty Five: The Time Has Arrived

Part 5: Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty Five:
The Time Has Arrived

The Fifth Sun

The long Mayan calendar cycle of just over 5,125 years was completed on December 12, 2012, and on the next day a new great cycle of 5,125 years begins.  It marks the setting of the 4th sun and the rising of the 5th sun. We are in the infancy of the new calendar. 2013 marks the beginning of the platonic shift happening in the world, the spiritual shift from the male energy that has dominated the world to the female energy that will help balance it out.  

If you are interested in the fine details, this 5,125 year cycle is equal to the following Mayan units of time: 13 Baktuns, or 260 Katuns, or 5200 Tuns, or 1,872,000 Kin (days).  The breathtakingly harmonic calendar works as wheels within wheels within wheels that keep turning.   The great cycle ending on Winter Solstice 2012 began in 3,114 BC and is called the Fourth Sun by the Maya.   There were three Suns before the Fourth Sun and there is another one coming…the Fifth Sun.*

According to our Mayan ancestors, the arrival of the Fifth Sun commences a return to harmony; it is about a transformation in consciousness, a transition into a more holistic way of living that will sustain us. “The Change of Suns,” if you will, signals a gradual shift in energies here on earth, one that began long before the winter solstice in 2012 and one that will continue as the 5th sun rises and takes its place in the heavens.

Women are the harbingers of this shift, for women embody the female spirit. However, it is not a male/female dichotomy, because many men will usher in the new world order alongside women. It is not an accident that 2013 marks the beginning of more equity and access for homosexuals around the world, especially in Western lands, it is not an accident that religions are being asked to reconsider their stance based on “hate” of those who are different, it is not an accident that many are leaving organized religion for a more spiritual relationship with God, their creator, their higher power, the universe. It is not an accident that we are going within to our heartsong and understanding that the possibilities are infinite, if only we think, dream, and take action.

The general consensus is that women and men who take the risk live up to their ideals and stand on the side of justice, equity, equality, and fairness for all will be ushering in the new world order and allowing us to feel the shift in energy. No, it will not happen overnight, we are starting a 5,125 year cycle, but the shifts have already begun and we are already answering the call of our ancestors to be the change we wish to see in the world. The real power and pleasure of the new world order is the ability to launch and grow any kind of movement that will bring us closer to the harmony we desire. It can be for environmental awareness, mental health rights, homes for the homeless, rights for gays, rights for women, an end to domestic violence, or clean water in all parts of the world. We are all called to action and we all hear a different heartsong and the beauty is not in all of us doing the same thing, but all of us sharing one goal…the goal of more love, harmony, and abundance in the world. And those of us called to action will be positioned to support each other in all of our endeavors. We are one, we are whole, we are divine.

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Por fa: Come back for Part 6: There Are No Accidents: You Are Here for a Reason

Divinity Chant

·         I am reclaiming my divinity

·         I honor my ancestors

·         I am the change the world needs to see

·         I celebrate my life

·         I believe in the magic

·         I am guided by positive energy

·         I am vibrating inner peace

·         I claim my place at the center of the universe

·         I am DIVINE!!!

*The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012
Join us on August 24, 2013 to RECLAIM Your DIVINITY!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Part 4: The Winter Solstice 2012…Why Are We Being Called to Action?

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

Part 4: The Winter Solstice 2012…
Why Are We Being Called to Action?

2013 marks the dawn of the feminine divinity and if this message resonates with you, it is because you are being called to action. If you feel in your gut that the old ways of war, violence, rape and pillage of the earth no long serve humanity, then you are feeling the call. If you feel like you were put here for a purpose beyond yourself, to do or accomplish something, then your ancestral blood runs strong in your veins and you are the embodiment of the feminine energy that is being called to action. You see, there are no accidents, the universe will put you in the perfect place, at the perfect time to release the energies needed for the change to happen, for the spiral to continue, for the world to change. There are no accidents, if this message resonates with you; it is because you are one of the chosen ones. One of the chosen ones to lead and not follow, one of the chosen ones to be the change the world needs to see, one of the chosen ones to share your unique gifts.

You have been endowed by the creator, by your ancestors, by your chosen family with unique gifts. The gifts to make feminine wisdom your own. The feminine principle is more about embodying principles of love, acceptance, care, kindness, gentleness, consideration, and tenderness in our way of being, knowing, and understanding the world around us.

So what do these unique gifts include? Talyaa, from Wild Goddess Life shares the following ways that the modern woman is making ancient feminine wisdom her own:

  1. Create. Women are natural creators, the spark of life. By honoring this ability, women tap into the collective power of creation.
  2. Bless. Women easily give blessings. By welcoming their role as sisters and co-creators of the future, women bless themselves and one another, encouraging ever-increasing numbers to welcome feminine energy in themselves.
  3. Collaborate. In coming together as sisters giving blessings, women share their energy and heart.
  4. Intuition. Every woman possess the gift if inner knowing. When women tap into their deep trusting power, they see clearly and far.
  5. Sensuality. Women are keepers of the sensual world. They are beauty incarnate, and appreciate beauty in their lives.
  6. Wisdom. Women give wise council when they feel safe to share their views.

Whether we realize it or not, we are being asked to overcome our challenges and help birth the new world that is coming, a world where we live with greater kindness and respect, for ourselves, for one another, and for the Earth. 
It is about balancing the male energy with the female spirit and changing the world view of want, disease, and violence. We are being called to action because we were put here by our ancestors to answer the call of leading the charge to shift the power of energy. We are emerging as a force to be contended with, we are leaders called to make a difference, we feel it in our souls, in our hearts, and in our spirits. It is the heartsong that is tugging at our bellies, letting us know we cannot just sit by, we are being called to action to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, for those who need our help, for those who are being left behind by the current world order. We are divine beings with a divine mission that is awakening in our souls. We see it, we feel it and we know it. We are being called to action. We are reclaiming our divinity.

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Por fa: Come back for Part 5: Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty Five: The Time Has Arrived

Divinity Chant

·         I am reclaiming my divinity

·         I honor my ancestors

·         I am the change the world needs to see

·         I celebrate my life

·         I believe in the magic

·         I am guided by positive energy

·         I am vibrating inner peace

·         I claim my place at the center of the universe

·         I am DIVINE!!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Part 3: The Path of our Ancestors…Why Latinas? Why Now?

Part 3: The Path of our Ancestors…Why Latinas? Why Now?

Join me as we embark on a journey to reclaim your divinity, your rightful place on this earth, the place of your ancestors, the place of your essence, the place of your being. Why Latinas? Why now? The answer is simple and all we have to do is listen to our divine intuition and it all begins to make sense.

You see, 2012 marked the end of the 4th Mayan sun and ushered in the dawn of the 5th Sun. The dawning of the 5th sun is a significant event because it marks the beginning of balancing out the male and female energies on planet earth. The balance will not happen overnight, but it will be a gradual shift and we, Latinas, are an essential a part of that shift. Why Latinas? Have you ever heard someone try to define Latinas and thought, well, that just sounds like a stereotype, cuz I know a Latina who is not from Mexico, does not speak Spanish, is educated, has red hair…etc, etc, etc. the list goes on. No matter how they try to define us, we do not define that easily. We are not an ethnic group, we are not a race, we are not a check box on a census form, we are unique and we are Latinas.

However, by the same token, when you are with your Latina posse, you know it, you know it when you are with your comadres, your madrinas, your gente. You can feel the difference in your gut, you can’t define it, you can’t put it in a box, but you know it. And that knowing is in your heart, soul, spirit. It comes from your ancestral land, it is bestowed upon you for being you. It is part of your roots, la tierra from whence you came. You know it because you feel it and you feel it because your abuelita, your bisabuela, your tatarabuela and all of those before you, reside in your spirit and are calling to you.

On December 21, 2012 a new era was ushered in. An increase in feminine energy was ushered in around the globe creating a radical change in the way the world has been operating. This shift toward the feminine principles are about nurturing, caring, helping, loving, giving, understanding, and accepting. The feminine energy emphasizes compassion, consideration, respect, honor, and charitable giving. The female energy believes in abundance and that where we can feed one, we can feed many. The female principles cultivate the blessings of our ancestors who have paved the way for us to tap into our collective power for the shift to begin within us, to begin within our very essence, to begin with our heartsongs.

In reality, the shift for many of us began before December 21, 2012, it began with the singing of a new heartsong and a recognition that all was not right with the world. We crave a peaceful coexistence, we know that as mothers, we ache for every mother who loses a child…to war, to disease, to famine, to want, to neglect. We understand that the fruit of our womb is sacred and we weep with mothers everywhere when children suffer, not only our own. We share a heartsong and we have been hearing and singing that song for many years. We have felt a discomfort with the male energy and the male order and we are now ready to rise up and take our place and help to shift the energy, shift the core, shift the power…to a more balanced and healing approach to life and living. We know the old way is not sustainable, does not serve our planet, and no longer serves humanity. We are ready to usher in a new era, we are ready to heed the call of our ancestors, we are ready to reclaim our divinity as we honor our ancestors.

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Por fa: Come back for Part 4: The Winter Solistice 2012…Why We Are Being Called to Action


·         I am reclaiming my divinity

·         I honor my ancestors

·         I am the change the world needs to see

·         I celebrate my life

·         I believe in the magic

·         I am guided by positive energy

·         I am vibrating inner peace

·         I claim my place at the center of the universe

·         I am DIVINE!!!

Join me for a fantastic one day seminar on August 24, 2013.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Part 2: Living in Abundance…the Importance of the Latina Millionaire

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

Part 2: Living in Abundance…the Latina Millionaire

For many of us schooled in the western tradition, this title might sound like an oxymoron, because we do not equate divinity with millionaires, however, there is a shift in the world and it will be the Latina Millionaires, reclaiming their divinity that will be leading this journey. We have been taught that money is the root of all evil, that the meek shall inherit the earth, that to be truly spiritual we have to shed ourselves of all worldly possessions. However, that is just the way of thinking in a world dominated by male energy. In a world dominated by the Latina Spirit, the female energy, money is the root of all harmony, the rich in spirit shall inherit the earth, and being a millionaire is not equated with earthly possessions, it is equated with giving back, supporting, and paying it forward.

The importance of the Latina Millionaire is not that she will lead a Fortune 500 company and become one of them, the importance of the Latina Millionaire is not that she will suddenly want to own a Lamborghini, the importance of the Latina Millionaire is that she wants to make a million in order to give back to those who have given to her, support those in need of help, and pay it forward to those who can never pay back, but will give in many different ways. Latina Millionaires are on a mission to change the world and they are here to help the shift toward a more feminine balance of energy. It is no accident that Latinas are starting more home grown businesses than any other group; it is no accident that Latina led businesses are family friendly, and earth friendly; and it is no accident that Latinas are rejecting the corporate world to make their own way, in this land of plenty.

Because it is through making it in a different way that we will be able to change and shift toward a more feminine balance of power. We are called to entrepreneurship because their way of doing business, cut throat, winner/losers, give over your family life, be sterile in the work place…do not have a place in the new order of things. We are starting businesses, because we know when you win, I win, businesses can be family friendly, and our tears and emotions do have a place in the workplace. We are reclaiming our birthright and we know that we have to put our ladder on a different wall, we are not climbing the same ladder to success, but we are defining success on our terms and we are climbing that ladder on our own terms.

We are on a journey and this journey is about getting home, back to ourselves and who we are. It is about getting back to our roots; it is about listening to our divine intuition. If you have been feeling a dissatisfaction with your life, even though you seem to have it all, if you have been feeling a tug at your heart strings, that there has to be more than this, if you have been feeling like your purpose is bigger than yourself, if you have been feeling a fire in your belly, then you are feeling the call of your ancestors. There are no accidents…it is not an accident that you are a Latina in this land of plenty, it is not an accident that your Latina spirit is awakening, it is not an accident that you feel an affinity to a group that defies definition and being put into a box. You are here for a reason and your ancestors are calling to you. You are here during the time of the rising of the 5th sun, from Mayan ancestral blood, as one of the chosen ones to reclaim your divinity and lead the shift from the balance of male to female energy.

If this message of being a Latina Millionaire resonates with you because you want to give back to your community, you want to support artists who create art that speaks to your heart, you want to pay it forward to those who are up and coming, then you have been called. If you say to yourself, I don’t care about having money in order to live in a big house, own 10 fancy cars, or have my own jet, then you have been called. If you hear yourself saying, if I had millions of dollars, I would support indigenous communities, I would set up a clinic, I would provide homes for the homeless, I would create a space for art of all kinds, I would give back to those who have helped me along the way, then you have been called. If this message resonates with you, then you have been called by your Mayan ancestors to be in this land of plenty and to start the shift toward the female energy. Listen to your divine intuition, don’t overthink it, go with your divine flow.

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Por fa: Come back for Part 3: The Path of Our Ancestors, Why Latinas? Why Now?

Divinity Chant

·         I am reclaiming my divinity

·         I honor my ancestors

·         I am the change the world needs to see

·         I celebrate my life

·         I believe in the magic

·         I am guided by positive energy

·         I am vibrating inner peace

·         I claim my place at the center of the universe

·         I am DIVINE!!!

Join me and other Latinas at the RECLAIM YOUR DIVINITY workshop on August 24, 2013!!!