Monday, April 30, 2012


The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
Past Present and Future
Past-Present-Future (c)

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.  ~Author Unknown"

Butterflies offer the ultimate metaphor because they undergo a true transformation. Starting off as a caterpillar and transforming into a beautiful butterfly is one of the few transformations in nature that we are privy to see and experience on a regular basis. The life cycle of a caterpillar/butterfly is a thing of beauty of behold and majestic in its own right. The transformation is complete, beautiful and a miracle to behold and allows us to experience, first hand, what it takes to transform our own lives.

In reality, when you are ready to undergo a change in your life, your transformation is much like the transformation of a butterfly. You have to have some down time, like being in a cocoon, and then there is the pain of rebirth or coming alive again as a whole new you. We see it when individuals undergo cancer treatments and survive. It is a painful, heart wrenching experience, but one that many people say transforms their life for the better. They are in appreciation, they live in gratitude for one more day and they stop taking life for granted.

The Women Inside
The Women Inside

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly."  ~Richard Buckminster Fuller

The same is true of those who have survived a divorce. The experience is heartfelt and difficult and requires a lot of courage to get up and face the day, everyday, but in the end, most people say that they are stronger for the experience. They are not the same person, they have had to survive a transformation and it is very difficult.

Death and the grieving process is one of transformation as well. It can be the death of a child, a parent, a beloved pet, a long term spouse, or a newlywed spouse, and the transformation is the same. These are events that mark our lives forever. As before my mom passed away...Before I become a motherless daughter...Before I had to learn how to be a matriarch in the family.
All of these transformations leave us marred and scarred for life, but in a good way. We are never the same again, but then we would not want to trade in our caterpillar feet for our butterfly wings. These transformations truly do allow us to fly and soar and be closer to our mission and purpose in life.

What transformations have you undergone?
What types of transitions have you thrived from?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Más vale tarde que nuncaBetter late than never
(c) Artowrk for this blog was graciously provided by Ana Julia Darias Fishman an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Bubbles--Having Fun

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
Surrender, AJF (c)

Bubbles--Having Fun
"We must always remember to have fun, we need to dance, play, sing, and be merry for the spirit and the soul to unite."

Having fun, living life to the fullest, being in a state of bliss are the goals of the soul and the spirit. We are not here to suffer, grieve, or feel depressed, we are here to experience the joy of love, laughter, and living. Yes, at times, we do have different experiences to allow us to see the contrast, but if you are finding your life joyless and dark, then take some time to sing, to laugh, to dance, to play, for these are the nutrients for the soul.
The Dress (c)
"The Human Spirit was intended to have fun."
Experiencing euphoria is related to the excitement, even ecstasy of leaving a legacy by implanting yourself in the "fabric" of others, by living the life of your dreams, by being available to all that life has to offer. It is important to add those things to your life that will allow your spirit to soar and your soul to roar. When was the last time you blew bubbles with little ones, felt the sand between your toes, walked on grass barefoot, or laughed with wild abandon at nothing in particular? Life is meant for living and experiencing so go ahead and get some bubbles and blow until you can’t blow anymore. Dance like no one is watching and sing at the top of your lungs...and just let it out and let it go and ENJOY what the soul and the spirit have to offer when they are united as one.

When was the last time you had a good laugh?
When was the last time you sang loud and out of tune?
When was the last time you blew bubbles?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

No sólo de pan vive el hombreA man does not live by bread alone
(c) Artowrk for this blog was graciously provided by Ana Julia Darias Fishman an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Torch--Igniting Hope

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.

Havana Havana
Havana (c)

The Torch--Igniting Hope
"For those who have lost all hope,
uniting the soul with the spirit will ignite the flames of hope again."

The torch has long been a symbol of hope, de esperanza, that there is a better tomorrow, that things will improve, that life will be in harmony once again. There are times in our lives when the unity between soul and spirit is severed and we have a feeling of hopelessness. It is usually a dark time, marked by lack of energy, interest in our surroundings, and at times depression. We have trouble getting motivated, understanding what is the point or why we are here. It is during these dark times, that we need to ignite hope, much as the Olympic Torch ignites hope in the athletes and countries that are participating.

When we are in the dark, our soul and spirit are in disunity and need a catalyst to unite once again, and that torch, with its glowing embers, warmth, and radiant light can provide that hope, that unity that we are needing. If we are recovering from grief, it may be a slow ember that glows warmly giving us comfort. If we are healing, it may be a spark that is needed to jar us out of a stupor.
"Civilization is not a spontaneous generation with any race or nation known to history, but the torch to be handed down from race to race from age to age."
Kelly Millar

Six Degrees of Seperation
Six Degrees of Separation (c)

When being guided by spirit, it is important to heed the cry of the soul and give it time to heal, time to grieve, time to reflect. Only then can the soul and the spirit once again unite in hope and purpose. Only then can we be one with our vision, our purpose, our need. Providing hope when there is no hope, providing a space for healing and grieving, providing an environment of nurturing is the spark of a torch, the glowing ember we need to move forward.

Do you provide hope for the hopeless?
How do you unite soul and spirit?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

El piso de uno es el techo de otroOne man’s gravy is another man’s poison

(c) Artowrk for this blog was graciously provided by Ana Julia Darias Fishman an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Adelante Mujer Latina

On Saturday, April 20 I had the pleasure of presenting at the Adelante Mujer Latina Conference at Pasadena City College. I have been involved with Adelante Mujer when I was in San Diego, but this is the first time I had the pleasure of presenting at the conference in Los Angeles. There were 1500 to 1800 Latina girls in attendance who were inspired, motivated, and encouraged by other Latina women to find their purpose and pursue their dreams. I was truly honored to be a part of this very special group of women.

I presented Buscando tu voz en dos culturas/Finding Your Voice in Two Cultures to a group of young women and their moms. The presentation went well and the girls were very interested in my story of getting to college and completing my doctorate. I stressed the importance of finding your voice in both cultures and embracing both of the cultures you represent and not rejecting one for the other. The girls were attentive and asked questions about requirements and how to ensure that you are going to be successful in college.

I stressed the importance of writing and having the academic skills to be successful to make it through to the university. As an administrator for the California State University System, I know that many Latinos make it to the CSU, but very few of them graduate. I am committed to help Latinos stay motivated and inspired as they pursue their education.  It is so important for our country and our economy that Latinos get educated and participate in the economic recovery.

The packet for my presentation, which provides prompts for getting started writing on a regular basis, can be downloaded at: Buscando tu voz en dos culturas. If you are interested in more information, please look up the group at: Adelante Mujer Latina.

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Vale más una imagen que mil palabras
A picture is worth a thousand words

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Dreamcatcher--Purpose

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
mujeres piscadoras
Mujeres Piscadoras
The Dreamcatcher--Purpose

"Everything is created twice, once as a dream and next as reality"

A dreamcatcher is symbolic of the dreams we are catching. Looking like a spider web, it is an intricate symbol of love, joy, purpose, and focus. A dreamcatcher can help remind us of our purpose, of our reason for being here, for our desire to leave a legacy. The dreamcatcher is a symbol that in order to live, we have to reach for the stars, we have to climb the mountains of success, however we define that, we have to be one with our spirit.

el serape_villa del norte
El Serape
"A soul without a dream, is like a person without a spirit."

The spirit gives voice to the dreams of the soul. When you walking one with spirit, you are giving your dreams a voice, you are allowing your dreams to shine through, you are letting your spirit soar, you are living as one with your purpose and your whole life feels aligned. When you are in this state, life is humming along and you are living your life to its fullest. You are where you should be and doing what you need to be doing, you are being guided by spirit. Just let go and let God, you are malleable in his hands and achieving what you set out to achieve. You are whole, you are one, you are living your dreams. your prayers have been heard, your answers are on the way.

How do you know when you are being guided by spirit?
How do you know when your dreams are coming alive?

No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy
Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Mary Delira an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Kaleidoscope-Everchanging

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
piscadores de rancho cucamonga
Piscadores de Rancho Cucamonga (c)

The Kaleidoscope-Everchanging
"You can never step into the same river twice." (Pocahontas)

Life is an ever-changing evolution of colors, sounds, smells, feelings, and tastes. Our senses are constantly being assuaged or assaulted by the new and inviting or the new and un-alluring. We are living with constant change and a sense of “you can never go back, you have to embrace the new.” Sometimes the soul resists, sometimes the spirit pushes us forward. Sometimes we settle into a way of being and knowing, sometimes, we are catapulted into the constant evolving waves of change.

World Tree Birds
Birds of the World (c)

“The soul never asks for that which it is not willing to do.”

It is important when being guided by spirit, to realize that it in the constant evolving waters that we find healthy systems, not in the murky, stagnant ponds. However, sometimes, we have to let ourselves simmer and settle, before taking on a new challenge, sometimes we have to withdraw into ourselves for healing, before the next challenge is met. It is ok to be one with spirit and let the ebb and flow of life fill us with joy and anticipation. It is ok know that we can bask in the past as we appreciate the new joys the future will bring.

When do you find you need to bask in the past?
When do you know you are ready to embrace a new future?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

No todo lo que brilla es oroAll that glitters is not gold
(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Mary Delira an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Boomerang-Interactions

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
The Boomerang-Interactions
“It is in the giving and not in the receiving that the greatest joy is found.”

For me, one of the most important lessons in life is to recognize the importance of the boomerang effect, or karmic energy, or interaction-reaction. What goes around, comes around, what you put out there, comes right back at you, what you give, you receive, what you receive is reflected in what you have given. It is an immutable law of nature. If you spread poison, poison will soil your hands, if you spread love, then you will bask in the glory of love. If you show up in service, you will be served, if you show up in greed, you will be met with greed.

The boomerang is truly a wonderful way of understanding that you walk one with your spirit, you are one with your soul and they cannot be separated. Life is fair and the evidence is there for all to see. God is just and he knows what he is doing.

remembering women
Remembering Women

“It is better to ask some of the questions then to know all the answers."
“Ask-Who am I? and Answer-Who are they?”

Remember, we cannot expect that which we are not willing to be. If you are not willing to be loving and faithful, you cannot expect a loving and faithful partner. If you are not willing to be generous in deed and word, do not expect to attract generosity. If you are not willing to show up in service, you will not be served.
Life is a series of interactions/reactions. How we interact with others, will determine how they show up to us. Have you ever heard someone say, “Well with me he is an angel?” He is an angel, because he is being treated angelically.

So remember the boomerang and be aware of what you are putting out there. Are you putting out what you want to receive? Are you becoming the message you want to give? You cannot be the parent who went from hiding drugs from your parents to hiding drugs from your kids and then did my kids become drug addicts? You must show up the way you want others to show up for you.

How do you show up to others?
How do others show up to you?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Los sueños comienzan en la mente y el corazón! El universo conspira...decrétalos!!!
Dreams begin in the mind and in the heart! The universe then conspires.
(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Mary Delira an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Eagle--Achievement

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
His Hand

The Eagle--Achievement
“I can fly higher than the eagles, for you are the wind beneath my wings.” (Bette Midler)

For the human soul, achievement is the succor that allows us to breath, grow, and become enlightened. It is the nourishment the soul needs to soar and the spirit needs to roar. I love the concept of achievement, success, and accomplishments as long as it is not narrowly defined and we can all participate in the way our soul sees fit. When we are guided by spirit, we have our own definition of success. It could be a great success like being an awesome mother who has the best kids in the world, or it could be small, like being a millionaire, or it could be in-between, having a home that offers light and nourishment to any who grace our doors.

However you define success, if you are guided by spirit, you will soar and be happy. Do not let anyone else define success for you, but sure that you are always in the driver’s seat, listening to the wind, heeding the call of spirit, and tuning into your heartsong.

fine silver leafs
Silver Leaves

"Like a glider with a slight breeze, a soul with a little support and encouragement can soar."

And to soar like an eagle, we must first honor the wind. Know what gives lift to your sails, know who is the wind beneath your wings. Give thanks to those you allow you to ride the thermals to success. However you define success, it is up to you to find that right level of support and independence to achieve your heart’s desire.

What is your purpose, your goal, your heart’s desire?
What are you here to do? Accomplish?
How will you find the support to live your purpose?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

La mejor manera de ser original es ser tu mismo(a). Paulo Coelho
The best way to be original is to be true to yourself. Paulo Coelho
(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Lizabeth Perez Noeggerath an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Pot-of-Gold—Potential

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
5charm (c)

The Pot-of-Gold--Potential
“In order to enjoy a rainbow, you have to accept the rain.”

Some will find it odd that I have the idea of chasing the Pot-of-Gold at the end of a rainbow as a metaphor for life, for it is a bit Quijotic, like fighting windmills, however, to me the pot-of-gold signifies our dreams and our ambitions, the essence of who we are. The pot-of-gold signifies our destiny, what we came here to do, what we are trying to accomplish, and as such, chasing it brings joy and exuberance.

Truly, it is in the journey that one finds ecstasy, not in the destination, so it is not in finding the pot-of-gold where you will find your potential or your destiny, it is on the rainbow, playing, running, laughing, and having a good time where you will find your bliss, your joy, your way of being and knowing in the world. It is there that you become aware of how to truly walk in this world at one with your soul and your spirit as your guide.

As you play on the rainbow, your destiny is miraculously unraveling the essence of who you are because your soul and your spirit are dancing by the light of the moon and the warmth of the sun. The rainbow shows you potential and how truly fun and engaging life can be when you living a life united with purpose and avocation.


"Unleashing the potential of the soul requires a pot of gold."

Yes, the pot-of-gold is just a metaphor and it has a lot to offer, because it signifies the wealth that we have within, the wealth we have when we follow our dreams, the wealth we have when our soul and spirit are united.

When do you feel united?
Have you been dancing, singing, and running on the rainbow of your dreams?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

La vida es como internet. A veces es casi imposible establecer una conexión. Paulo Coelho
Life is like the internet. Sometimes it is almost impossible to establish a connection. Paulo Coelho
(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Lizabeth Perez Noeggerath an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Teddy Bear--Security

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
The Teddy Bear--Security
"Hug a Teddy Bear in the morning, and you can feel him hugging back all day long."

Teddy Bears are my favorite stuffed animals. For me, they signify the security of a past well lived, of home and hearth, of a time gone by, of nostalgic memories, although bittersweet, always reflective of a life lived.
When we are reaching beyond perceived limits, the soul uses the past for security and guidance. The past will let us know how to approach the future, either with the tried and true, or not going down that path again. The past offers us a window into the future, and offers us the comfort of security, because if the past was good, then we know there are good things to come. If the past was adversarial, it lets us know that we can survive anything that is thrown our way. God knows what we can handle and gives it to us in the doses we can take.

Love (c)
“The stretch of the soul is equal to the security of the past.”

Connecting the unknown to the known provides the bond, impetus, and enticement into new ventures. When we have succeeded in the past, we know what path to follow to allow for more success, when we have failed, we now know what road not to travel, otra vez. It is like when given a teddy bear, the soul will explore new horizons. The Teddy Bear being our anchor to the past that lets us know, we have arrived, we are it, we can and we will make it. Life is good and our Teddy Bear is a constant reminder that we are where we should be and life is unfolding, como Dios quiere...and that the plan is all good.

What anchors do your past offer you?
What have you learned from your past that you take into your future?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Deja de pensar en la vida y resuélvete a vivirla. Paulo Coehlo
Stop thinking about life and start living life. Paulo Coehlo

(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Lisabeth Perez Noeggerath an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Lighthouse-Guidance

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.

The Lighthouse-Guidance
Like a lighthouse
Standing bold against the gray
Shining through the night
To warn of dangers in our way. (author unknown)

A lighthouse reminds me of those times in my life when I am a beacon of light offering guidance and hope to others. It also serves to remind me of when I need a beacon of light and am looking for guidance and hope. Sometimes I find it in individuals and other times, I find it is spirit. No matter where the light comes from, like a lighthouse, we all need to be warned of the dangers, to have a way to illuminate our path, calm our fears, and encourage exploration of the soul.
"The leader, like the lighthouse, encourages the exploration of the uncharted territories within the soul."
You are a leader in your profession, in your home, or among your friends, if you are offering hope and encouragement for others to explore the uncharted territories of their souls. If you are helping others discover their legacy, you are leaving your own legacy of helping others to be the best they can be. If you are illuminating the path that will enable others to walk with spirit and be one with their word, then you are a luminary. By the same token, if there is someone in your life who is helping you to be guided by spirit and offering you a safe harbor, then you are truly blessed.

When are you in need of a guiding light?
When are you illuminating the path for others?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Si quieres ser comprendido, debes saber escuchar (Babel)
If you want to be understood, you need to learn to listen. (Babel)

(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Kleya Forte-Escamilla an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
"You can count the number of seeds in an apple,
but you cannot count the number of apples in a seed."

Apples come to mind when I am in a particularly nurturing mood and have been helping others. You never know when you are planting seeds and nurturing others, what seeds will flow and what seeds will flourish. It is a way of paying it forward, since you may have no idea what took hold or what flourished, but you do it for the joy of nurturing.

Likewise, you can also create a fertile environment for ideas, love, kindness, and caring to flourish. This can be at work, at home, within your family, or with your group of friends. It does not matter where, just that you can have a lasting impact with your kind words and deeds.

our lady of guadalupe
Our Lady de Guadalupe (c)

“Leaders are the gardeners that create the caring and nurturing environment that enables ideas to flourish.”

If you are leader, you are like a gardener-you plant seeds of ideas, and then nurture, support and care for them until they flourish. Being a leader allows you to set the stage for creativity to soar and for individuals to find personal and professional engagement that is truly life satisfying.

What gardens are you nurturing?
How are you fostering an environment that allows individuals to flourish?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos Adelante,
Zulmara Maria

No podrás cambiar una conducta si primeramente no cambias tus pensamientos.
You cannot change your actions, if you do not first change your thoughts.
(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Kleya Forte-Escamilla an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

Monday, April 2, 2012


The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
los pobresitos
Los Pobrecitos (c)

"A man doesn't plant a tree for himself. He plants it for posterity."
Alexander Smith

I love metaphors, as can be attested to by the name of my business, Roots and Wings, roots to keep us grounded and wings to let us soar. I truly believe that trees, in all of their majesty give us a symbol of roots, raices, la tierra from which we came, the land to which we shall return. To me trees are not only majestic in all of their grandeur and splendor, they also symbolize time immemorial. They live our lifetimes, they out live our lifetimes, they go deep into the ground and they go reach for the sky. As a metaphor for our lives, our purpose, our dreams, and our desires, trees offer a tremendous amount of comfort and design.

Trees plant roots that take a while to grow. They are not fast growing, not our biggest tress at least. And some trees, like bamboo, maybe sending down roots for three to five years before they begin to sprout, but sprout they do. and they are the stronger for it, for they have built a strong foundation.
The same is true for our families. If you spend time laying a strong foundation and building on that foundation, the roots that sprout are amazing and are able to withstand all sorts of hard ships, all kinds of adversity, all types of calamity.
We grow and soar when times are good, we rely on our foundations, en nuestras raices when times are tough.

los pobresitos back
Otra vez (c)

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The next best time is now.  ~Chinese Proverb

In our businesses, the same is true. If you spend 3 to 5 years to be an overnight success, your business will have sustainability, it will have traction, and it will have a strong footing. It takes time to build a strong foundation, but a strong foundation makes is so much easier to grow, change, adapt to the changes in the climate, and react to the unforeseen circumstances that will come your way.

What roots have you been sending into la tierra?
What wings have you set in motion?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

"Si quieres que otros sean felices, ten compasión, si quieres ser feliz, ten compasión." - Dalai Lama
"If you want others to be happy, have compassion, if you want to be happy, have compassion" -Dalai Lama

(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Kleya Forte-Escamilla an artist on Art by Latina Artists.