Monday, April 2, 2012


The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
los pobresitos
Los Pobrecitos (c)

"A man doesn't plant a tree for himself. He plants it for posterity."
Alexander Smith

I love metaphors, as can be attested to by the name of my business, Roots and Wings, roots to keep us grounded and wings to let us soar. I truly believe that trees, in all of their majesty give us a symbol of roots, raices, la tierra from which we came, the land to which we shall return. To me trees are not only majestic in all of their grandeur and splendor, they also symbolize time immemorial. They live our lifetimes, they out live our lifetimes, they go deep into the ground and they go reach for the sky. As a metaphor for our lives, our purpose, our dreams, and our desires, trees offer a tremendous amount of comfort and design.

Trees plant roots that take a while to grow. They are not fast growing, not our biggest tress at least. And some trees, like bamboo, maybe sending down roots for three to five years before they begin to sprout, but sprout they do. and they are the stronger for it, for they have built a strong foundation.
The same is true for our families. If you spend time laying a strong foundation and building on that foundation, the roots that sprout are amazing and are able to withstand all sorts of hard ships, all kinds of adversity, all types of calamity.
We grow and soar when times are good, we rely on our foundations, en nuestras raices when times are tough.

los pobresitos back
Otra vez (c)

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The next best time is now.  ~Chinese Proverb

In our businesses, the same is true. If you spend 3 to 5 years to be an overnight success, your business will have sustainability, it will have traction, and it will have a strong footing. It takes time to build a strong foundation, but a strong foundation makes is so much easier to grow, change, adapt to the changes in the climate, and react to the unforeseen circumstances that will come your way.

What roots have you been sending into la tierra?
What wings have you set in motion?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

"Si quieres que otros sean felices, ten compasión, si quieres ser feliz, ten compasión." - Dalai Lama
"If you want others to be happy, have compassion, if you want to be happy, have compassion" -Dalai Lama

(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Kleya Forte-Escamilla an artist on Art by Latina Artists.


  1. My roots are my trio, who in turn have added their roots to the family tree by gracing me with grandbabies. Hopefully my love of art, culture, humor, and all living things (except bugs, sorry, BB's not THAT compassionate) will be carried on and out to the branches.


  2. awww, you are awesome...and I can feel the passion and love you have for your family...

  3. Loved, and much needed post today. Sometimes I rush things, not realizing that the best thing I could do is slow things down, and make sure my seeds are planted firmly in the ground.

    1. Yes, being rooted leads to so much success...let spirit soar!
