Friday, April 13, 2012

The Eagle--Achievement

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
His Hand

The Eagle--Achievement
“I can fly higher than the eagles, for you are the wind beneath my wings.” (Bette Midler)

For the human soul, achievement is the succor that allows us to breath, grow, and become enlightened. It is the nourishment the soul needs to soar and the spirit needs to roar. I love the concept of achievement, success, and accomplishments as long as it is not narrowly defined and we can all participate in the way our soul sees fit. When we are guided by spirit, we have our own definition of success. It could be a great success like being an awesome mother who has the best kids in the world, or it could be small, like being a millionaire, or it could be in-between, having a home that offers light and nourishment to any who grace our doors.

However you define success, if you are guided by spirit, you will soar and be happy. Do not let anyone else define success for you, but sure that you are always in the driver’s seat, listening to the wind, heeding the call of spirit, and tuning into your heartsong.

fine silver leafs
Silver Leaves

"Like a glider with a slight breeze, a soul with a little support and encouragement can soar."

And to soar like an eagle, we must first honor the wind. Know what gives lift to your sails, know who is the wind beneath your wings. Give thanks to those you allow you to ride the thermals to success. However you define success, it is up to you to find that right level of support and independence to achieve your heart’s desire.

What is your purpose, your goal, your heart’s desire?
What are you here to do? Accomplish?
How will you find the support to live your purpose?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

La mejor manera de ser original es ser tu mismo(a). Paulo Coelho
The best way to be original is to be true to yourself. Paulo Coelho
(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Lizabeth Perez Noeggerath an artist on Art by Latina Artists.

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