Sunday, June 30, 2013

Reclaiming Your divinity

Reclaiming your Divinity: las posibilidades son infinitas!!!
¡¡¡Lista!!! to reclaim your divinity?
¡¡¡Lista!!!  to embrace your divine self?
¡¡¡Lista!!!  to step into your glory and power?
¡¡¡Lista!!! to live a life of love, honor, and respect?
¡¡¡Lista!!! to honor your ancestors, their stories, their lives?
¡¡¡Lista!!! to step into your abundance to give back, to support, to pay forward?
If you answered, Claro que siiiiiiii!!!
Join me on a Blessed Spiritual Journey to step into your birthright--prepared for you by your ancestors.
On this journey, we will explore:
The true meaning of the Mayan calendar, the 5th sun rising, and the feminine energy balance that has begun.
Why Latinas? Why now? What do we intuitively know? What knowledge has been bestowed on us by our ancestors? Why are we being called to action?
Why our paths have crossed. Why you have been drawn to this message. Why this message resonates with you. Why you have been chosen, at this time, to reclaim your divinity.
Reclaiming your Divinity: las posibilidades son infinitas!!!
2013 The Year of our Glory, the Year of our Stepping-Up, the Year of our Rising
If you are ready to answer the call, click here.
Come journey with your comadres, your madrinas, your amigas
unleash the infinite wisdom awakening with the dawning of the 5th sun
Come join us on our journey to

Reclaim our Divinity: las posibilidades son infinitas!!!*


Reclaiming Your Divinity:

  • Part 1: The Rising of the 5th Sun…the Rising of the Latina Spirit

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

  • Part 2: Living in Abundance…the Latina Millionaire

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

  • Part 3: The Path of our Ancestors…Why Latinas? Why Now?

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

  • Part 4: The Winter Solstice 2012…Why Are We Being Called to Action?

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

  • Part 5: Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty Five: The Time Has Arrived

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

  • Part 6: There Are No Accidents: You Are Here for a Reason

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Por fa, come back to read: Part 1: The Rising of the 5th Sun…the Rising of the Latina Spirit

*Based on the Teachings of Mike Dooley in Infinite Possibilities!!! Mr. Universe Himself and acclaimed author in The Secret!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Part 6: Stages Toward Divinity!!!

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up

Part 6: Stages Toward Divinity!!!

Just like everything in life, there are stages to reclaiming our divinity. It does not happen all at once, but it happens in steps and stages and the Stages toward Divinity allow us to get comfortable and bask in our greatness. They allow us to be who we are in the moment and know it is OK. It is a process, like so many things in our lives and a journey to be enjoyed, not a destination to be reached.  And although the stages are presented linearly, like all journeys, they take a circuitous route and we all follow a different path to living a Divine life, guided by spirit. The Stages are as follows:


·         Acceptance/Aceptacion

·         Amazement/Asombro

·         Happiness/Felicidad

·         Tranquility/Tranquilidad

·         Serenity/Serenidad

·         Euphoria/Euforia

·         Bliss/Fantastico


The first stage is Acceptance. First and foremost, you have to accept that you are a divine being. You are a manifestation of the divinity and within you lies a divine self that loves you and guides you through life. This acceptance comes when you are done with, “yeah, but…” and ready to embrace, “yes, and…”, because once you have embraced, “yes, and…” you are ready to say “Yes!!” to your divinity and you are ready for stage two, you are ready to be AMAZED.

The second stage is Amazement. This is the stage where you have accepted your divinity, and then become Amazed at what you know, what you feel, and what you intuit. You will surprise yourself with your insights, your inspirations, and your inner knowings. As you review your life in this stage, you can’t help but be amazed at how all the pieces fit together and how everything that has happened, has happened for a reason.

The third stage, Happiness, comes after you cease to amaze yourself and settle into a deep and rich happiness. Secure in the knowledge that you are divine, secure in your ability to make things happen, you are happy. Many people in this stage appear to be happy all the time and happy for no reason. It is marvelous and you will begin to recognize and gravitate toward those who have accepted their divinity and are traveling the same journey as you are. You will be surrounded by positive people, with positive outlooks, and positive ways of knowing and being.

The fourth stage, Tranquility, comes with a settling in of happiness. This is when you are emanating a true happiness and others around you start noticing your positive energy and the positive vibes that you put out. At this stage, your soul and your spirit are at peace with your dreams and the miracles that surround you. You exude a way of being that is peaceful and others will seek out your company and your advice.

The fifth stage, Serenity, is the stage of quiet action. In this stage, the divine ones are taking action in the background imperceptibly changing the things in their control and leaving the rest to God. You will often hear the expression, “I let go and let God, and my life changed.” Once we let go of having to control, we allow our divine selves to lead and guide us forward as we listen to the wisdom within.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

The sixth stage is the stage of Euphoria. In this stage, we are living on top of the world, we are euphoric in our thoughts, actions, and deeds. We know there is nothing we can’t do and nothing we can’t accomplish. We have turned our can’t’s into cans and we are living the life of our dreams. Other see and feel the euphoria within us. There is no more struggle, there is no more angst, there is just acceptance of our divine selves, knowing that God is in her heaven and all is right in the world.

The seventh stage is Bliss and this is the stage of living our Bliss and living in Blissful Abundance. At this stage, we have it all and we lack for nothing, because all we have is all we need and all we want. This stage is reminiscent of our ancestors and the wise women who sat by the fire dispensing wisdom with clarity, precision, and simplicity. At this stage of bliss, we know all we have is enough, we are enough, and we are accepted. At this stage, LIFE IS GOOD.

Go ahead and Reclaim your Divinity and live in Blissful Abundance!!!

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Stay tuned for more and join me on August 24, 2013 at the Maya Hotel in Long Beach to RECLAIM your divinity!!!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Part 5: The Latina Mosaic

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up

As Latinas living in the United States we defy categorizing, we defy stereotypes, we defy being pegged. Alisa Lynn Valdes has a great TED talk that speaks to this. We are tall, we are blond, we are rubias, we have straight hair and curly hair and we are short, we are thin, and we are fat.  We come in every shade of brown-beige-eggshell-off white and sand that Crayola can think of. We, however, are not black or white, no humans are…and we do not fit a cookie cutter mold.

Some of us speak Spanish, some of us don’t. Some of us are bilingual, others tri-lingual and still others, monolingual…and some of us can speak up to 6, 7, or 8 different languages. Some of us were born here, others there, some of us came legally, others not, some of us embrace our diversity, others don’t. AND we are ALL Latinas!!!

We defy categorizing by any inauthentic measure that corporate America can come up with. However, we are Latinas, we are Authentic, we are know who we are and we glory in our Latinidad, however we wish to define it.

Being Latina is not a “thing” that is bestowed upon us by corporate America for a census game, it is a feeling, a spirit, a way of knowing and being in the world. It is the essence of who we are and how we feel. And we may not be able to define it for a governmental group that wants us in a box, but we can feel it and we know when we are meeting a fellow Latina…a comadre, a madrina, una amiga espiritual.

We are magnificent beings, we are a force to be contended with, we are the NEW WOMAN and we are AWESOME in our DIVINITY!!!

No Sheryl, we do not always fit into corporate America, but you know what? You will find us there as well, because for some of us, that is the path we have taken and it makes us REAL and keeps us AUTHENTIC, and that is OK, because we love and embrace all, no matter where you were born, how you look, what language you speak, or the color of your skin. Any honorary Latinas out there?

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria

Por fa: Come back for Part 6: Part 6: Reclaiming our Divinity!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Part 4: Basking in Our Mayan Roots

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up
Part 4: Basking in Our Mayan Roots

However, we are not letting corporate America define us or our success or our families or our communities. We are Stepping Out of corporate America and we are Rising Up on our own terms. We all have a story to tell about why we are no longer a part of corporate America. We are starting companies, we are supporting each other, we are finding a way to be in community, and we are living our ancestral truth, we are basking in our Mayan roots. We are ourselves, first and foremost, and we have resisted being typecast, stereotyped, or used…we have refused to lean in on anyone else’s terms and when the price is too high to pay, we Step Out and Rise Up. To reclaim our divinity, to give birth to the 5th new sun rising, to aide in the shift from the masculine to the feminine energy. We are here to bloom, we are here to flourish, we are here to blossom as we reclaim the divinity that is our birthright. Our success is inevitable our divine selves are waiting to be reborn.

And how do you know when the price is too high? When you are asked to sacrifice your family for the job—our roots, our culture—our raison d’etre—only allow us to be US. We can’t, won’t sacrifice our families if that is what it takes to be accepted by corporate America. You see, somos mujeres de la tierra and we want it all and we will settle for nothing less. I want to be in the board room making decisions and I want to be at the school supporting my child, I want a place at the table, but I also want a place in the kitchen, I want my kids to know a home cooked meal. For us, it is and/both and if we need to do it our way, so be it, we will Step Out of corporate American and Rise Up on our own terms.

You know the price is too high when they are afraid of your emotions and they ask you to be emotionless. I refuse to be emotionless, I refuse not to cry, I refuse not to tear up, it is who I am and my divine self will not be denied. You see, that is a price that is too high to pay. I am an emotionally divine being. I tear up thinking of my mom and all she sacrificed for me, I tear up when I hear of the sacrifices others have made, I tear up at sad songs and emotional movies. My essence, the essence of mujer is to be moved by tears, to feel in my gut, to know what I feel and how I feel it. If I need to be stoic, to keep a stiff upper lip, to not let the tears flow…that is asking me to give up my essence, that place deep in my gut where my feeling collide, that is asking me to not be REAL, to not be authentic. It is asking me to be the person you are comfortable with, it is asking me to be the person you want me to be, not the person that I am. It is asking me to silence my divine self, who loves to laugh, cry, sing, and dance.

I wouldn’t, I couldn’t, I shouldn’t deny my culture, my people, my community. I cannot “be” a coconut in your organization. The “brown girl” called in to “act” white, to give voice to her community to be your diversity token…as long as I am behaving. I will not “behave” If you invite me in, you invite in mi familia, mi comunidad, mi cultura, y mis raices. Where I go, so go my ancestors. Where I am, so is my celestial voice. Where I show up, so shows up my divine self.

I will own my own voice. If that costs me a promotion, a job, an opportunity, or a nod—so be it, I will Step out and Rise up. I need to be me, I need to have my voice, I need to honor and respect those who have come before me. I cannot be the silenced voice you ask of me, I cannot be your brown face in a sea of white, echoing what everyone else is saying and not feeling. I will not be your quota—I am a Latina on a mission and my voice will not be silenced—even if you do not want to hear what I have to say, even if you take the ladder right out from under me.

I will Step Out of corporate America and Rise Up when the price is too high and I will Rise up on my own terms. I may not go through your door, I may not sit in your chair, I may not have a place at your table, but I will open my own doors. I will join mis comadres and we will pull out chairs for each other. I will sit a table set for mis madrinas. I will hold the ladder for mis amigas to climb on whatever wall they have chosen. We are stepping out, rising up and it will look different. Our ladder is not on the same wall, but we are still climbing at a fast pace. It will look different than your journey—but in the end, the results will be the same and we will all meet at the top and manage to change the world to be a kinder and more gentler place. We are woman, we are divine, and we shall rise up, the time is NOW and the time is Right!!!

Join me on a journey to reclaim our divinity, embrace our divine selves, bask in our glory and power.

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria

Por fa: Come back for Part 5: Part 5: The Latina Mosaic

Friday, June 21, 2013

Part 3: Herstory: On Our Own Terms

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up

Part 3: Herstory: On Our Own Terms

My last blog told my story, but, that is only my story, however, there are many stories, many, many, many stories of Latinas who have leaned in, only to find themselves being pushed out in favor of white women who are safer, Latinas who “acted as if”, Latinos who would go to sports bars, because, you see, to be a Latina who is embracing her Latinidad, who is reclaiming her divinity, we do not fit the mold and we are passed over by Corporate America.

You see, Sheryl, we play by different rules, we are in a different game, our doors, our chairs, our tables are not the same as yours. We lean in and get burned, however, like the Phoenix, we RISE UP from the ashes to create. We create on our own terms, we create with our own lives, we create our own legacies. No Sheryl we cannot ‘lean in’ and climb the ladder to lead Fortune 500 companies with the results you can boast of, but we can RISE UP, we can and do STEP OUT because we are Latinas—we are AWESOME—we are making a difference, and we are leaving an impact, and we are doing it on our own terms. We are guided by spirit, our ancestors have paved the way for us, and our divine selves are keeping us safe.

And “on our own terms” is so important, because what some of us have learned is that the price we are asked to pay in order to climb their ladder of success is too high. We all have to ask ourselves at some point in our careers, “How much of me do I have to give up in order to be accepted by them?” You see, in my story, I had to ask myself, “Do I give up advocating for parents as an educator and become an administrator who ‘blames’ the students, so they will give me a principalship? Or do I stick to my principles and my advocacy and not let them blame the victims? I chose to stay with my advocacy, to live with integrity, and to do it on my own terms. It was not easy and it cost me much, but in the end, I could look at myself in the mirror and smile, because I was true to me and true to my ethics, values, and beliefs. I would not get the promotion in this district, but I would be true to myself, I would STEP OUT, and I would RISE UP!!!

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Por fa: Come back for Part 4: Basking in Our Mayan Roots

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Part 2: My Story-Reclaiming My Divinity

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up

Part 2: My Story-Reclaiming My Divinity

I will tell you a little bit of my story, totally repeated in my life for the past 25 years of my career and I want to preface this by saying that I consider myself very, very, very, successful by almost any standard you want to use to measure success. I have 3 accomplished children, I have been happily married for 34 years, I own three properties, I make a 6 digit income, I am respected in my field, and I LOVE MY LIFE!!! I have reclaimed my divinity!!!

HOWEVER, back in the day, I was a kindergarten teacher aspiring to go into public school administration. I went back to school, got the credential and started applying for jobs. I applied for principal positions and I was told, “Yeah, you have the education, but not the experience for the job.”

So I volunteered, I took small steps, I took on quasi administrative positions, I got a mentor—and still, I was passed up for promotions. But, I did not give up and I completed my doctorate and I thought I was set. I was more educated and had more experience than most applicants…so imagine my surprise when I was passed over for a promotion by a white male who did not even have his administrative credential or his Master’s degree or the experience that I had. I had it all, but I was not white, I was not male. I was a fiery, hot, passionate Latina on a mission and I was scary to them, because I was a true parent advocate, especially for Latino parents. I took on their causes, I let them know their rights, and I helped them get the education for their children that others took as a right and privilege.

And, still, I did not give up. I developed an award winning Migrant pre-school, I ran one of the best Even Start programs in California, the Superintendent, who passed me over for promotions, regularly brought visitors to the district to see my programs, the only successful programs for Latinos in the district, and still, I was passed over for promotion to a school principal—this time for a white women who did not have the education—nor the experience that I had.

Yes, Sheryl, there is still racism out there and as a Rising Up, very successful Latina, I can tell you the doors that open up for you easily, do not open up for me as easily, the chair held out for you, is not held out for me, the table that is set for you, is not the same as the table set for me. Leaning in, Yes, we do and we can, but we get pushed out more often than not and we have to find our own way.

Just watch this video, the men are tripping over themselves to “steal” a bike for a white woman, but these same strangers on the street are ready to lynch a young African-American male and excuse the behavior of a white male.

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante
Zulmara Maria

Por fa: come back for Part 3:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Part 1: Sí, Carlota, todavía ha racismo.

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up
Part 1: Sí, Carlota, todavía ha racismo.

Love Sheryl’s book, Leaning In, but it did get me thinking of what Leaning In Latina Style is all about. Yes, we lean in, but when we lean in American style—in American Corporations headed by white men and women, we often get pushed out. We try to lean in, but the door only opens, the chairs is only pulled out, and the table is only set for whomever they decide to let in the door, sit in the chair or take a place at the table.

It is hard for someone, like Sheryl, who has not lived it to understand this, and this is not to demean or diminish her accomplishments, I truly admire what she has been able to do and the heights she has been able to reach. However, when Cherly leans in, it is different from when a Latina leans in especially in white male dominated corporate America.

Our stories are many and they are filled with women—beautiful, wonderful, accomplished, and competent Latina women—leaning in and getting pushed out. They get pushed out by the fear, the uncertainty, the lack of awareness, lack of understanding that comes with White corporate America.

You see, what Sheryl cannot see, because she is on the ‘inside” is that some of us are on the “outside” and if you are on the outside, leaning in, then you can get easily pushed out. We Latinas, as double minorities, are not quickly invited in the door, to the chair, or to the table by the fathers, uncles, husbands, grandfathers, cousins, friends, colleagues, or associates, that invite Sheryl and her friends in.
Truth be told, white America still controls the door, the chair, and the table and they still choose who to invite into the boardroom, only those they want to be there, will be invited there and they tend to go with those who they know, those who look like them.
However, when forced, when pushed, when shamed into it, they will invite those who look different, especially if they are their daughters, their nieces, their granddaughters, their aunts, their moms, their cousins, and their colleagues, and their associates. They will invite in other white women, albeit reluctantly, as evidenced by Sheryl’s statistics. Nevertheless, white women are invited in first, accepted first, feared less, and understood more than people of color. People of color are suspect, their values are different, they are not always understood, and they are not easy to relate to.

Men of color, because men share a certain affinity, will also be invited in before women of color. You see, women of color are invited in last, are least understood, and are asked to change the most. Sí, Carlota, todavía ha racismo. Yes, Sheryl, we do still deal with racism and we deal with it while being a double minority. And when we lean in, it is risky, it may not work out well, we get pushed out, we are asked to give up our essence, and we are not always given a place at the table. The barriers and obstacles you describe for white women are double for Latinas trying to lean in at Fortune 500 companies.

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Por fa: Come back for Part 2: My Story-Reclaiming My Divinity

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up

Join me for the next two weeks on an exploration of Leaning In Latina Style. Read the story I submitted to Leaning In and join me as I analyze what Leaning Latina Style means to me and share what it means to you. If you are a Latina who has stepped out in order to rise up, this message will resonate with you.

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante,

Zulmara Maria


Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up
  • Part 1: Sí, Carlota, todavía ha racismo.

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up
  • Part 2: My Story-Reclaiming My Divinity

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up
  • Part 3: Herstory: On Our Own Terms

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up
  • Part 4: Basking in Our Mayan Roots
Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up
  • Part 5: The Latina Mosaic
Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up
  • Part 6: Stages Toward Divinity!!!

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Por fa,  come back for Part 1: Si, Carlota todavia ha racism