Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Part 5: The Latina Mosaic

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up

As Latinas living in the United States we defy categorizing, we defy stereotypes, we defy being pegged. Alisa Lynn Valdes has a great TED talk that speaks to this. We are tall, we are blond, we are rubias, we have straight hair and curly hair and we are short, we are thin, and we are fat.  We come in every shade of brown-beige-eggshell-off white and sand that Crayola can think of. We, however, are not black or white, no humans are…and we do not fit a cookie cutter mold.

Some of us speak Spanish, some of us don’t. Some of us are bilingual, others tri-lingual and still others, monolingual…and some of us can speak up to 6, 7, or 8 different languages. Some of us were born here, others there, some of us came legally, others not, some of us embrace our diversity, others don’t. AND we are ALL Latinas!!!

We defy categorizing by any inauthentic measure that corporate America can come up with. However, we are Latinas, we are Authentic, we are know who we are and we glory in our Latinidad, however we wish to define it.

Being Latina is not a “thing” that is bestowed upon us by corporate America for a census game, it is a feeling, a spirit, a way of knowing and being in the world. It is the essence of who we are and how we feel. And we may not be able to define it for a governmental group that wants us in a box, but we can feel it and we know when we are meeting a fellow Latina…a comadre, a madrina, una amiga espiritual.

We are magnificent beings, we are a force to be contended with, we are the NEW WOMAN and we are AWESOME in our DIVINITY!!!

No Sheryl, we do not always fit into corporate America, but you know what? You will find us there as well, because for some of us, that is the path we have taken and it makes us REAL and keeps us AUTHENTIC, and that is OK, because we love and embrace all, no matter where you were born, how you look, what language you speak, or the color of your skin. Any honorary Latinas out there?

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria

Por fa: Come back for Part 6: Part 6: Reclaiming our Divinity!!!

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