Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Part 2: My Story-Reclaiming My Divinity

Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out and Rising Up

Part 2: My Story-Reclaiming My Divinity

I will tell you a little bit of my story, totally repeated in my life for the past 25 years of my career and I want to preface this by saying that I consider myself very, very, very, successful by almost any standard you want to use to measure success. I have 3 accomplished children, I have been happily married for 34 years, I own three properties, I make a 6 digit income, I am respected in my field, and I LOVE MY LIFE!!! I have reclaimed my divinity!!!

HOWEVER, back in the day, I was a kindergarten teacher aspiring to go into public school administration. I went back to school, got the credential and started applying for jobs. I applied for principal positions and I was told, “Yeah, you have the education, but not the experience for the job.”

So I volunteered, I took small steps, I took on quasi administrative positions, I got a mentor—and still, I was passed up for promotions. But, I did not give up and I completed my doctorate and I thought I was set. I was more educated and had more experience than most applicants…so imagine my surprise when I was passed over for a promotion by a white male who did not even have his administrative credential or his Master’s degree or the experience that I had. I had it all, but I was not white, I was not male. I was a fiery, hot, passionate Latina on a mission and I was scary to them, because I was a true parent advocate, especially for Latino parents. I took on their causes, I let them know their rights, and I helped them get the education for their children that others took as a right and privilege.

And, still, I did not give up. I developed an award winning Migrant pre-school, I ran one of the best Even Start programs in California, the Superintendent, who passed me over for promotions, regularly brought visitors to the district to see my programs, the only successful programs for Latinos in the district, and still, I was passed over for promotion to a school principal—this time for a white women who did not have the education—nor the experience that I had.

Yes, Sheryl, there is still racism out there and as a Rising Up, very successful Latina, I can tell you the doors that open up for you easily, do not open up for me as easily, the chair held out for you, is not held out for me, the table that is set for you, is not the same as the table set for me. Leaning in, Yes, we do and we can, but we get pushed out more often than not and we have to find our own way.

Just watch this video, the men are tripping over themselves to “steal” a bike for a white woman, but these same strangers on the street are ready to lynch a young African-American male and excuse the behavior of a white male.

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante
Zulmara Maria

Por fa: come back for Part 3:

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