Monday, July 8, 2013

Part 4: The Winter Solstice 2012…Why Are We Being Called to Action?

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

Part 4: The Winter Solstice 2012…
Why Are We Being Called to Action?

2013 marks the dawn of the feminine divinity and if this message resonates with you, it is because you are being called to action. If you feel in your gut that the old ways of war, violence, rape and pillage of the earth no long serve humanity, then you are feeling the call. If you feel like you were put here for a purpose beyond yourself, to do or accomplish something, then your ancestral blood runs strong in your veins and you are the embodiment of the feminine energy that is being called to action. You see, there are no accidents, the universe will put you in the perfect place, at the perfect time to release the energies needed for the change to happen, for the spiral to continue, for the world to change. There are no accidents, if this message resonates with you; it is because you are one of the chosen ones. One of the chosen ones to lead and not follow, one of the chosen ones to be the change the world needs to see, one of the chosen ones to share your unique gifts.

You have been endowed by the creator, by your ancestors, by your chosen family with unique gifts. The gifts to make feminine wisdom your own. The feminine principle is more about embodying principles of love, acceptance, care, kindness, gentleness, consideration, and tenderness in our way of being, knowing, and understanding the world around us.

So what do these unique gifts include? Talyaa, from Wild Goddess Life shares the following ways that the modern woman is making ancient feminine wisdom her own:

  1. Create. Women are natural creators, the spark of life. By honoring this ability, women tap into the collective power of creation.
  2. Bless. Women easily give blessings. By welcoming their role as sisters and co-creators of the future, women bless themselves and one another, encouraging ever-increasing numbers to welcome feminine energy in themselves.
  3. Collaborate. In coming together as sisters giving blessings, women share their energy and heart.
  4. Intuition. Every woman possess the gift if inner knowing. When women tap into their deep trusting power, they see clearly and far.
  5. Sensuality. Women are keepers of the sensual world. They are beauty incarnate, and appreciate beauty in their lives.
  6. Wisdom. Women give wise council when they feel safe to share their views.

Whether we realize it or not, we are being asked to overcome our challenges and help birth the new world that is coming, a world where we live with greater kindness and respect, for ourselves, for one another, and for the Earth. 
It is about balancing the male energy with the female spirit and changing the world view of want, disease, and violence. We are being called to action because we were put here by our ancestors to answer the call of leading the charge to shift the power of energy. We are emerging as a force to be contended with, we are leaders called to make a difference, we feel it in our souls, in our hearts, and in our spirits. It is the heartsong that is tugging at our bellies, letting us know we cannot just sit by, we are being called to action to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, for those who need our help, for those who are being left behind by the current world order. We are divine beings with a divine mission that is awakening in our souls. We see it, we feel it and we know it. We are being called to action. We are reclaiming our divinity.

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria


Por fa: Come back for Part 5: Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty Five: The Time Has Arrived

Divinity Chant

·         I am reclaiming my divinity

·         I honor my ancestors

·         I am the change the world needs to see

·         I celebrate my life

·         I believe in the magic

·         I am guided by positive energy

·         I am vibrating inner peace

·         I claim my place at the center of the universe

·         I am DIVINE!!!

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