Monday, July 1, 2013

Part 1: The Rising of the 5th Sun…the Rising of the Latina Spirit

Reclaiming Your Divinity:

Part 1: The Rising of the 5th Sun…the Rising of the Latina Spirit

The Mayan Calendar underwent a definite shift on December 21, 2012, the Winter solstice of 2012. It was not an ending, as many in the Western world portrayed it, but a beginning. It marked the rising of the 5th sun, it marked the transition from what was to what was going to be, it marked the rising of the feminine spirit. In the true Mayan sense, there are no endings, there are new beginnings, and this day marked the beginning of the shift from the male energy that has been dominating the earth and our existence, to the female energy that will be dominating the earth for the next thousands of years.
And it is a shift in balance, not a sudden change in course. You will see it and feel it in the shifts that take place in the world, you will see it and feel it in the shifts that are to come, and you will see it in the feminine heart, the female soul, the Latina Spirit that will permeate our planet. You will see it in the harmony that is set in place as we transition to a more peaceful and gentle way of being and knowing. You will see it in the legacy that is left to us by our ancestors. You will see it in the rising of the Latina Spirit.

Yes, the Latina Spirit. Some will claim that there are no Latinas, that we are not a defined ethnic group, that we are not a defined race, that we are not defined by language, culture, or even by birth. That we come in all shapes and sizes and colors. Yes, and we are Latinas by spirit and we share a common ground. We flow from an indigenous ancestry and we are here for a reason in this time and space being defined as Latinas. We are here to reclaim our divinity and our birthright, we are here to let others know about the feminine shift, we are to lead the shift from the male to the female energy. There are no accidents and there are no mistakes. Our Mayan, our indigenous roots have been fostering our way into this land, into this place, into this space to cultivate our divine gardens, to set down our roots, to nurture our wings.

We are neither ni de aqui, ni de alla, and we are divine and our ancestors set our place at the altar. No, we are not defined by culture, or race, or language or ethnic group. Yes, many see us as outsiders, however, we know, we are the chosen ones. Chosen by our ancestors to be in the land of the male energy to grace it with our female energy. We know that we are going to birth the new leaders of this world, we know we are here to break down barriers. We have been chosen, that is why we feel a calling. We feel a tug and pull to something greater than ourselves. That is why we do not feel like we belong here and we know we do not belong there, however, we know our roots are there and we feel an affinity to our roots, we feel a pull toward those who are our ancestors, but we know our work is to be completed here, in the land of riches, in this male dominated space. We feel the shift, and we know that we are an integral part of that shift, thus our calling, thus our special place in this world. We are the embodiment of the Latina Spirit and we are an integral part of the setting of the 4th sun and the rising of the 5th sun. We are here for a reason, we are being called, and we will be the beginning of the shift the world needs to smell, see, hear, feel, and touch. We are the Latina Spirit and we are here to reclaim our divinity, our birthright, our place chosen for us by our ancestors. We are here to pave the way. We are divine.

Bicultural Me

Caught between two worlds

Caught between two cultures

Sometimes rejected by one

Oftentimes rejected by both

Trying to find out who I am

Trying to figure out where I belong

Knowing I don’t belong here

Knowing I can’t belong there

Where do I look for validation

Where do I find my place

How do I reconcile the me who I am

To the me they want me to be

How do I maintain an identity

That is not yet formed?

Yo bicultural

Atrapada entre dos mundos

Atrapada entre dos culturas

A veces rechazada por una

Frecuentemente por las dos

Tratando de descubrir quién soy

Tratando de descifrar en dónde pertenezco

Sabiendo que no pertenezco aquí

Sabiendo que no puedo pertenecer allá

En dónde busco aprobación

En dónde encuentro mi lugar

Cómo reconciliar el yo quién soy yo

Con la persona que quieren que sea

¿Cómo mantener una identidad

que aún no está formada?

Con un pan y cafecito,

Seguimos adelante

Zulmara Maria

Por fa: Come back for Part 2: Living in Abundance…the Importance of the Latina Millionaire!!!

Divinity Chant

·         I am reclaiming my divinity

·         I honor my ancestors

·         I am the change the world needs to see

·         I celebrate my life

·         I believe in the magic

·         I am guided by positive energy

·         I am vibrating inner peace

·         I claim my place at the center of the universe

·         I am DIVINE!!!



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