I Will Never. . . /I'd Like To . . .

I'd like to understand those who are able to let it go and let it happen.
I will never forget the good times that we shared, the love and laughter we exchanged.
I'd like to forget the times of misunderstandings and lack of compassion.
I will never forgive those who have hurt others, especially innocent children.
I'd like to forgive those who are sorry are trying to make amends.
I will never change my feelings of compassion for others and the positive attitudes about life that I have.
I'd like to change those who are constantly putting themselves down and focusing on the negative.

I will never say, “I know I am right.”
I'd like to say I’m sorry.
I will never appreciate the anger and negativity that fuels some people.
I’d like to appreciate the little things in life we take for granted, a fresh glass of water, a beautiful sunset, a God sent moonrise.
Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria
Vale más una verdad amarga que muchas mentiras dulces
Honesty is the best policy
What a lovely tribute. My mom is turning 80 this year and I am enjoying her now more than I ever have. It's taken over 40 years for some of the lessons she taught me to finally sink in, the most important being to let go of old hurts. Thanks for sharing your insight!