About Roots and Wings/Raices y Alas

Roots and Wings/Raices y alas
For your personal, professional, and creative development needs. Offering ebooks, ecourses, apps, workshops and meet-ups that will help you nurture your roots to keep you grounded, and spread your wings to allow you to soar to new heights.

Roots and Wings/Raices y alas
I am Zulmara Maria Teixeira de Lima, a Latina from Brazil. I live in Long Beach, have 3 children, and have been married for more than 30 years.  I have my doctorate from UC Santa Barbara in the area of Education, Policy, Organizations and Leadership and have been an educator focues on Latin@ issues all of my life.

I am the Founder and CEO of, Roots and Wings—a personal, professional, and creative growth program for Latin@s to help them find their voice, their strength, their identity, and their purpose in life. I develop programs to help Latin@s achieve their dreams, celebrate what is right with their lives, and develop as self-actualized mujeres y hombres de pasion.

I offer coaching-- personal, professional, and creative—to help Latin@s achieve their dreams by integrating their two cultures into a healthy whole. I focus on integrating Latin@ Roots with the alas that are needed to soar.  The coaching can be one-on-one, to a group, online, or with an e-course. I am also a consultant, public speaker and have a series of presentations that I do for groups and organizations.

I am excited about this business because as a Latina Educator who has worked with many Latin@s in education, I feel there is a need for this type of personal coaching and mentoring that resonates with the specific bicultural needs of Latin@s.  As a Latina Ph.D., I want to be more than a speck in the universe...I want to be one among many and I want to help pave the way for Latin@s to achieve their dreams.

I have given numerous talks at Adelante Mujer Conferences, spoken at Encuentros, been a key note at various conferences, and I have worked closely with various Latin@ clubs and groups on university campuses to help them motivate and inspire Latin@ youth.
As a writer, I have written numerous professional educational articles and I have a story in Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul. I also have three poetry books and two guided journals.

Presentations, Seminars, and Workshops
Adelante Mujer Latina (AML)
Roots and Wings
Buscando tu voz en dos culturas/Finding Your Voice in Two Cultures
by Zulmara Maria TeixeiraSaturday, April 21, 2012
Pasadena City College

Roots and Wings:
How our Latino culture supports and sustains us
By Zulmara Maria Teixeira de Lima

November 2011

Roots and Wings: How our Latino Culture Supports and Sustains Us

In this workshop, Zulmara will be discussing her creative journey and how she nurtures her alma creativa to help her achieve her goals, live life to the fullest, and stay in the moment. She will share tips for soaring as a Latina/o in your personal and professional life as you honor your cultural roots and stay grounded.

Buscando tu voz en dos culturas/
Finding Your Voice in Two Cultures

In this interactive workshop, participants will discover how their dual identity facilitates success in both the personal and professional realm. Particpants will explore their passions, how to be true to their word, and how to honor their heritage and living voice. The emphasis will be on both/and…not either/or as you gain clarity and focus about who you want to be.

Cuentame un cuento/Tell Me a Story
We all have a story to tell. A story about how we got to where we are. In the trilogy of your life, your story actually has three parts, The Latina, The Leader, and the Legacy. As you explore the purpose of your life, you start with who you in. In this guided seminar, participants will explore the three aspects of their trilogy and learn how to tell all three. In the first part, we will who you are as a person and how did you become the person you are today. The second part of the trilogy describes who you are as a leader, artist, CEO, business owner, and or entrepreneur. And the third part of the trilogy will delve into the legacy you are leaving with your art, business, or presence.

Pampering Your Muse… cuidando de ti mismo
As artists and creative beings, it is important that we take time for ourselves in order to release our creative energy. In this seminar, we will be working on unleashing our inner diva, nurturing our creative souls, and encouraging our artistic spirit.  Strategies will be shared for renewing, rejuvenating, and jumpstarting our creativity.

Practicing your Pitch/Pitching Your Passion
When you are in business, it is important to have a pitch that is ready to go that conveys who you are, what you do, why you do what you do, and what you need. Learn how to write a pitch that exemplifies your passion and then gives you the opportunity to practice that pitch with other participants. Participants will be asked to prepare an elevator pitch and email pitch before attending. The workshop will focus on tweaking and perfecting your pitch.

It's That Vision Thing Again
We have all heard how important it is to have vision, to focus on what we are trying to achieve, to visualize the future that we want, and to attract to us that which is important in our lives. Many individuals use a vision board in order to achieve clarity and focus on their goals, ambitions, intentions and purpose. In this Make it-Take it workshop, participants will work on a vision board that reflects their personal and/or professional lives and leave with tips on how to create an electronic vision board that is dynamic and ever-changing with your goals and objectives

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