Asking mama?
I wonder what you are thinking today
I wonder where your dreams are taking you
Are you dreaming of a new life
Are you dreaming of a life unlived
Are you looking for a new adventure
Are you feeling as if there is something...
...More to this life than you are living
...More to this journey than you are experiencing
Where will the next adventure take you
Where will you go,
How will you get there
How do you change the current path
Do you tell a new story
Do you make a new friend
Do you turn a different corner
Do you stay the course
Knowing the dreams you are dreaming
Are just dreams
Nothing more
Nothing less
Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria
Si todos supieran que error van a cometer, nadie aprendería nada.
If everybody knew the errors they were going to commit, no one would learn anything.
Gotta Tweet this one. Bittersweet, Poignant, full of possibilities and the way we look at life, well done.