Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is Your Tink in the Pink?

Is Your Tink in the Pink?

When we have one of those incredibly creative days where we are one with out muse, is it just an accident, or have we made it happen by serving and honoring our muse, that inner spirit that sustains our creativity? Can we actually create more of those days of feeling as one with our muse? Could it be that how do we deal with our Pixies, our muses and their idiosyncrasies, those irascible, petulant characters that live with us day and night, makes a difference?

Well, many of my creative friends have very imaginative and inspired ways to pay, honor, and serve their muses.  My personal favorite is to indulge in a mocha hot fudge banana sundae from, of all places, Disneyland.  UUUUMMMM, my muse, after a tough week of work or an especially fruitful day of writing and creating is very pleased when we indulge, even though we try not indulge too often.
Pretty in Pink Catrina - Maria Sanchez
Pretty in Pink
On a more regular basis, I renew and charge up and rev up my muse with a walk on the beach…preferably at water’s edge…what a peaceful way of getting in touch with nature and nurturing the inner spirit simultaneously.  I also love spending time in my hot tub, especially after at the end of the day when the night is cool and the water is hot…no better way to rest, relax, rejuvenate, and replenish.
I have many friends, who go to the spa, take a day off to shop at the mall, get a facial, or go out to a nice dinner.  It does not matter how we feed, honor and serve our muses, it just matters that we do it, because when we don’t take the time to replenish the well, the well runs dry and we are out of balance, out of sorts, and nothing feels right, nothing goes right, nothing seems to matter or have a purpose. 
When you are not caring for your inner muse, your inner muse is not caring for you and you begin to feel it…you begin to know it. For those of us who live with a muse, our moods, our ways of viewing the world, our thought processes are an ever mixing intertwined, inter-tangled, inter-meshed web of constantly creating and constantly feeding the hand that sustains us.

My friends who do not have a muse do not know what I am talking about when I say my muse needs to take a walk, or she needs chocolate, or she needs to go out and play with the kids.  They think it is silly stuff, but when Tinker Bell is your constant companion, you know how cranky she can get if you forget to take time to properly thank her for all of the wonderful hours of inspiration, stimulation, vibration, and encouragement she has given.
To better understand how you love, honor and respect your inner muse, reflect on the following:
  • When you are at your creative best, what are you doing? What are you eating? What exercise are you getting? What kind of time are you taking for yourself? What music is on your playlist? What sights, sounds, smells, and tastes are you gravitating towards?
  • When you are not at your creative best, or feeling out of balance, how are you spending your time? What are you eating? What time are you taking for yourself? What fun are you having in your life?  How are you maintaining balance? What sights, sounds, smells, and tastes are missing?
Understanding how we serve, honor, and love our muse is the first step in living a life of harmony as creative sentient beings. We need to be able to recognize that our muse needs to honored and pampered in order for us to live in harmony with our creative selves.
Hope your Tink is in the Pink today…
Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos Adelate
Hay que aprender a perder antes de saber jugar.
One must learn how to lose before learning how to play.

*Artowrk for this blog was graciously provided by Maria Sanchez an artist on Art by Latina Artists

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