Friday, March 9, 2012

Cherishing the Little Things

Cherishing the Little Things
The Village
The Village*
I have found that a pampered muse is sooo wonderful and keeps me sane, happy, wonderfully creative, and wonderfully engaged…I like that…and I also know when I am not caring for my muse, I feel hungry all the time, agitated easily, and my blood pressure goes up…very interesting…very interesting indeed…
My muse is my guide and my inspiration. My muse has taught me to appreciate life and cherish the little things.
Cherishing…the little things
Falling In Love
Falling in Love*
  1. Wonderful children that make a mama proud
  2. Living by the beach and being able to take beach walks daily
  3. Having a job that pays enough for me to live comfortably
  4. Owning a nice computer that allows me to pursue my creative endeavors
  5. Having lots of artist friends who support and inspire me
  6. Bike rides with my husband
  7. The most gorgeous sunsets on the pacific coast
  8. Two homes that provide shelter for others
  9. Health to still be able to enjoy the little things in life
  10. Traveling…at least twice a year to meet new people, get away from it all, and rejuvenate my inner spirit.

What are the little things that you cherish?
Con un pan y cafecito
Seguimos adelante,

Más vale paso que dure y no trote que canse.
Better a stride that will last than a trot that tires fast. 

*Artowrk for this blog was graciously provided by AnaJuliaDariasFishman an artist on Art by Latina Artists


  1. Thanks for giving me a moment to express my gratefuls:
    1-being here to celebrate my oldest son's birthday
    2-having my mother still with me
    3-enjoying a close relationship with my siblings
    4-celebrating 6 1/2 years of remission from breast cancer
    5-rocky road ice-cream
    6-baking bread with my youngest son
    7-pizza Friday's
    8-dark chocolate
    9-traveling overseas and in my county
    10-having friends through thick and thin

  2. Thankful my children,
    Thee most important people in my world.
    my son, who has moved out, but still says " yes mom I will"
    My beautiful daughter who has all the answers, but not a crazy teenager.
    My husband that makes Cuban cafe when I ask.
    Mi madre, whom I still have at the age of 82.
    My hair brain ideas, they never end.
    Nature, I love oceans,trees,birds..Hummingbirds at the feeder.
    My friends few, but they are enduring..
    My sister, brother of course.
    Fried ban as, black beans n rice.
    Kindness of others.
    Walks I take.
    My art, to let me real ease things.
    Thank Zulmara...Ana Julia

  3. wow...both of you have made my Sunday, thanks for responding and sharing, you two are awesome, yes, it is the little things that count and make life grand!!!


  4. A Kindred Spirit!

    Loving your outlook on life and the way you express it. As for BB, making a Top 10 list is too limiting (and too much work) so I'll just state I'm grateful for life and all its' locuras.


    P.S. My muse's name is Martinique, what name does yours answer to?

  5. I love this, BB...and yes, you are a kindred Muse is Maria...and I have changed my name to reflect my professional life, I am known as Zulmara Cline...but in my spiritual life, I am Zulmara Maria Teixeira de Lima...thanks for responding...


  6. The things I cherish are: daughter, hubby, my pet, our health and the love we have for one another! Wonderful post-we should always be thankful, no matte ho big or how small, we must appreciate what we have.

    1. the pics you have shared of your family, very special.
      Zulmara Maria

  7. 1-Our health
    2-My daughter
    3-Spring in the desert
    4-My dogs, even if they do eat my avocados off the kitchen counter
    5-I have a job I enjoy
    6-My hands. They are capable of so many things
    7-My home. It's mine, all mine.
    9-Facebook/blogging. I've reconnected with friends far off and made new ones.
    10-Birds singing
    Thank you for the inspiration!

  8. Marissa,
    I love your list...especially #2 and important to me as well...
    Zulmara Maria
