Part 3:
The Path of our Ancestors…Why Latinas? Why Now?
Join me
as we embark on a journey to reclaim your divinity, your rightful place on this
earth, the place of your ancestors, the place of your essence, the place of
your being. Why Latinas? Why now? The answer is simple and all we have to do is
listen to our divine intuition and it all begins to make sense.
by the same token, when you are with your Latina posse, you know it, you know
it when you are with your comadres,
your madrinas, your gente. You can feel the difference in
your gut, you can’t define it, you can’t put it in a box, but you know it. And
that knowing is in your heart, soul, spirit. It comes from your ancestral land,
it is bestowed upon you for being you. It is part of your roots, la tierra from whence you came. You know it
because you feel it and you feel it because your abuelita, your bisabuela, your tatarabuela and all of those before you, reside in your spirit and are
calling to you.
On December
21, 2012 a new era was ushered in. An increase in feminine energy was ushered in
around the globe creating a radical change in the way the world has been
operating. This shift toward the feminine principles are about nurturing,
caring, helping, loving, giving, understanding, and accepting. The feminine
energy emphasizes compassion, consideration, respect, honor, and charitable
giving. The female energy believes in abundance and that where we can feed one,
we can feed many. The female principles cultivate the blessings of our
ancestors who have paved the way for us to tap into our collective power for
the shift to begin within us, to begin within our very essence, to begin with
our heartsongs.
reality, the shift for many of us began before December 21, 2012, it began with
the singing of a new heartsong and a recognition that all was not right with
the world. We crave a peaceful coexistence, we know that as mothers, we ache
for every mother who loses a child…to war, to disease, to famine, to want, to
neglect. We understand that the fruit of our womb is sacred and we weep with
mothers everywhere when children suffer, not only our own. We share a heartsong
and we have been hearing and singing that song for many years. We have felt a
discomfort with the male energy and the male order and we are now ready to rise
up and take our place and help to shift the energy, shift the core, shift the
power…to a more balanced and healing approach to life and living. We know the
old way is not sustainable, does not serve our planet, and no longer serves
humanity. We are ready to usher in a new era, we are ready to heed the call of
our ancestors, we are ready to reclaim our divinity as we honor our ancestors.
Con un pan y
Seguimos adelante
Zulmara Maria
Por fa: Come
back for Part 4: The Winter Solistice 2012…Why We Are Being Called to Action
I am reclaiming my divinity
I honor my ancestors
I am the change the world needs to see
I celebrate my life
I believe in the magic
I am guided by positive energy
I am vibrating inner peace
I claim my place at the center of the universe
I am DIVINE!!!
Join me for a fantastic one day seminar on August 24, 2013.
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