Personal, Professional, and Creative Growth
Antes del evento...
How to get the most from your personal, professional, and creative development!!!
Are you signed up to go to a workshop, training, conference, or networking meeting soon? Have you attended these in the past and come home overwhelmed, excited, full of ideas, and changes you were going to make only to find out that in two days it was business as usual and the glow was gone?
Well, here are a few tips to make sure that you get the best value for the precious time and money you are investing in yourself.
Antes del evento...
Look over the workshop materials and become aware of the topic and the presenter. Do a web search, read blogs, and get immersed in the experience before you even go, this will help prepare your mind for the information that is coming. It is like preparing the ground for a garden before you even plant the seeds.
Go with an idea of what you like to learn. Go with a prepared plan of three things that you want to come away with, it can be three new ideas to promote your business, three great ideas for keeping your creativity fresh, or three new contactts you are coming away with, all with the
Think about what you would like to learn. This is the most important thing you can do before the workshop begins. Think about (and write down) what you would like to learn from the session. Then take your answers to the training with you, reviewing them before the workshop begins (the trainer may ask for some info like this, and if they do, you are already prepared – no last minute pressure!) Ask yourself questions like:
- What would make this worth my time?
- What is my fondest wish for this training?
- What do I expect from this training?
- What is the best possible outcome that could arise from this training?
- What is the biggest question I'd like answered?
Stay tuned for tips of what to do while you are there and what to do after the event.
Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria
El que tiene fe en sí mismo no necesita que los demás crean en él.
He who has faith in himself, does not need others to believe in him.
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