Personal, Professional, and Creative Growth II
While You are There...
Take responsibility for your own learning. Yes, there will be a trainer. Yes, they will be "in charge" of the workshop. But you are responsible for your own learning, so do what you need to be successful. Know beforehand what you want and come prepared with computer, paper, pen and a great attitude. Stop for your favorite coffee if you know that you need that special java or bring your own tea bag if nothing works as well as your favorite Chai to get your day going. Once your comfort needs are met, set your mind for learning and creating.
This can be as easy as coming prepared with questions for yourself:
- How can I use this?
- How will this advance my work? My business?
- Who can I connect with?
- Who can I add to my network?
- Who seems to connect with me?
During the session, keep your heart, mind, and soul open and for how you can apply what you are learning to your personal, professional, and creative life. And remember to write those ideas down so you can make them happen!!!
Engage in the process. Learning is an active process, so be an active participant. That doesn't mean you have to answer every question or be the most talkative person in the group – it just means to actively engage in what is going on as you get in the groove of learning. It is all about attitude.
Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria
Haz Lo Que Te Gusta, No Lo Que Creas Que Le Gustará A Otros
Do what you love, not what you believe others would love you to do.