Monday, April 16, 2012

The Boomerang-Interactions

The Ebb and Flow of Our Lives Through the Eyes of Metaphors
There are times in our life, when metaphors help us to make sense of how we are being guided by spirit to be the best we can be. In the month of April, I will be exploring the metaphors of my life and hopefully, you will find connections to your own life or to your own spiritual path. Or you will share with us the metaphors that guide your spirit, your muse, your way of being and way of knowing in this life we all share, on this earth we all call mother, on this journey we are all privy to.
The Boomerang-Interactions
“It is in the giving and not in the receiving that the greatest joy is found.”

For me, one of the most important lessons in life is to recognize the importance of the boomerang effect, or karmic energy, or interaction-reaction. What goes around, comes around, what you put out there, comes right back at you, what you give, you receive, what you receive is reflected in what you have given. It is an immutable law of nature. If you spread poison, poison will soil your hands, if you spread love, then you will bask in the glory of love. If you show up in service, you will be served, if you show up in greed, you will be met with greed.

The boomerang is truly a wonderful way of understanding that you walk one with your spirit, you are one with your soul and they cannot be separated. Life is fair and the evidence is there for all to see. God is just and he knows what he is doing.

remembering women
Remembering Women

“It is better to ask some of the questions then to know all the answers."
“Ask-Who am I? and Answer-Who are they?”

Remember, we cannot expect that which we are not willing to be. If you are not willing to be loving and faithful, you cannot expect a loving and faithful partner. If you are not willing to be generous in deed and word, do not expect to attract generosity. If you are not willing to show up in service, you will not be served.
Life is a series of interactions/reactions. How we interact with others, will determine how they show up to us. Have you ever heard someone say, “Well with me he is an angel?” He is an angel, because he is being treated angelically.

So remember the boomerang and be aware of what you are putting out there. Are you putting out what you want to receive? Are you becoming the message you want to give? You cannot be the parent who went from hiding drugs from your parents to hiding drugs from your kids and then did my kids become drug addicts? You must show up the way you want others to show up for you.

How do you show up to others?
How do others show up to you?

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante,
Zulmara Maria

Los sueños comienzan en la mente y el corazón! El universo conspira...decrétalos!!!
Dreams begin in the mind and in the heart! The universe then conspires.
(c) Art for this blog was graciously provided by Mary Delira an artist on Art by Latina Artists.


  1. OH my goodness! That a beautiful blog! I love the message and the images! You are so talented! keep writing amiga!

    1. Gracias, mi amiga, you are a gem and I love your support!!!

