Leaning In Latina Style: Stepping Out
and Rising Up
Part 6: Stages Toward Divinity!!!
Just like everything in life, there are
stages to reclaiming our divinity. It does not happen all at once, but it
happens in steps and stages and the Stages toward Divinity allow us to get
comfortable and bask in our greatness. They allow us to be who we are in the
moment and know it is OK. It is a process, like so many things in our lives and
a journey to be enjoyed, not a destination to be reached. And although the stages are presented
linearly, like all journeys, they take a circuitous route and we all follow a different
path to living a Divine life, guided by spirit. The Stages are as follows:
The first stage is Acceptance. First
and foremost, you have to accept that you are a divine being. You are a
manifestation of the divinity and within you lies a divine self that loves you
and guides you through life. This acceptance comes when you are done with, “yeah,
but…” and ready to embrace, “yes, and…”, because once you have embraced, “yes,
and…” you are ready to say “Yes!!” to your divinity and you are ready for stage
two, you are ready to be AMAZED.
The second stage is Amazement. This is
the stage where you have accepted your divinity, and then become Amazed at what
you know, what you feel, and what you intuit. You will surprise yourself with
your insights, your inspirations, and your inner knowings. As you review your
life in this stage, you can’t help but be amazed at how all the pieces fit
together and how everything that has happened, has happened for a reason.
The third stage, Happiness, comes
after you cease to amaze yourself and settle into a deep and rich happiness.
Secure in the knowledge that you are divine, secure in your ability to make
things happen, you are happy. Many people in this stage appear to be happy all
the time and happy for no reason. It is marvelous and you will begin to recognize
and gravitate toward those who have accepted their divinity and are traveling
the same journey as you are. You will be surrounded by positive people, with
positive outlooks, and positive ways of knowing and being.
The fourth stage, Tranquility, comes
with a settling in of happiness. This is when you are emanating a true
happiness and others around you start noticing your positive energy and the
positive vibes that you put out. At this stage, your soul and your spirit are
at peace with your dreams and the miracles that surround you. You exude a way
of being that is peaceful and others will seek out your company and your
The fifth stage, Serenity, is the
stage of quiet action. In this stage, the divine ones are taking action in the
background imperceptibly changing the things in their control and leaving the
rest to God. You will often hear the expression, “I let go and let God, and my
life changed.” Once we let go of having to control, we allow our divine selves
to lead and guide us forward as we listen to the wisdom within.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
The sixth stage is the stage of
Euphoria. In this stage, we are living on top of the world, we are euphoric in
our thoughts, actions, and deeds. We know there is nothing we can’t do and
nothing we can’t accomplish. We have turned our can’t’s into cans and we are
living the life of our dreams. Other see and feel the euphoria within us. There
is no more struggle, there is no more angst, there is just acceptance of our
divine selves, knowing that God is in her heaven and all is right in the world.
The seventh stage is Bliss and this
is the stage of living our Bliss and living in Blissful Abundance. At this
stage, we have it all and we lack for nothing, because all we have is all we
need and all we want. This stage is reminiscent of our ancestors and the wise
women who sat by the fire dispensing wisdom with clarity, precision, and simplicity.
At this stage of bliss, we know all we have is enough, we are enough, and we
are accepted. At this stage, LIFE IS GOOD.
Go ahead and Reclaim your Divinity
and live in Blissful Abundance!!!
Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante
Zulmara Maria
Stay tuned
for more and join me on August 24, 2013 at the Maya Hotel in Long Beach to
RECLAIM your divinity!!!